1. Pick two deserts and kick their arse, don't make 200 different cookies and then forget them!
2. Whilst the Girdle buster pie is AWESOME!! People will look at you strangely when you offer it and it makes a huge mess in the freezer when you put it in to set at on a angle! (Chocolaty biscuit base, coffee ice cream and caramel top, so good it makes me want to burst into song)
3. Make sure your brain filter is firmly in place before responding to your Grandma's request to talk about gardening with "No point Grandma, I don't listen cos I really don't care!", its not her fault she interrupted cheesecake time and she gets slightly upset when she realises your ignoring everything she is saying.
Oh, make that 4!
4. Take photos of everything cos you've just spent 2 weeks cooking up a storm and have nothing to put on your blog!... except this :)
Recipe - Cinnamon-Orange Gingerbread Cottage
700g plain flour, plus more to dust
4 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp bicarb soda
250g salted butter, very slightly softened and diced
3 egg yolks
200g light muscovado sugar (I used golden caster sugar)
6 tbsp golden sugar
finely grated zest of 1 orange
- Sift the flour, spices and bicarb of soda into a large bowl and add the butter. Rub together with your fingertips - or tip into a food processor and blend - until mixture resembles fine crumbs.
- Add the eggs yolks, sugar, syrup and orange zest and mix until the dough comes together. If its too sticky, add a little more flour.
- Wrap in cling film and chill for at least an hour to rest the dough. Line two or three baking trays with baking paper.
- Divide the dough in half. Roll out one half on a well-floured surface into a large rectangle about 5mm thick. (If you roll it out between to large sheets on baking paper it doesn't make a mess and doesn't dry out with the extra flour!) Cut out desired shape.
- Re-roll any offcuts with the remaining dough and use until desired shapes all cut (this makes a triangle house but make what ever shape you want, we cheated and made it with house shape cutters!)
- Cut out any doors, chimneys etc and rest in the fridge for half an hour. Preheat the oven to 180c. Bake in batches for 15-20 minutes. Retrim straight away as the dough may have spread a bit.
Assemble this house with what ever lollies etc you want, along with royal icing or chocolate... (yell out if you need the recipe for royal icing).
I may have mentioned before that I go through phases? Well if not, I tend to go through phases, buying birthday cake books was one. This book was purchased in the middle of that phase (I'm now over cake books.. and cakes) and the only reason I have included it in this blog is because as I said above I forgot to take photos of the other recipes. But saying that its a good cake book, lots of interesting cakes.. but as I said I'm so sick of birthday cakes, that the next time someone asks me to make one for them there is a good chance I'll spit on them (that's so not true, I would never intentionally spit on anyone, probably a good thing I don't drink often, because I'm pretty sure then I become a unintentional sprinkler!) anyway (after that slightly awkward rant), on to the recipe!
This is a great gingerbread recipe! Its really tasty, although I would add extra cinnamon and orange zest. Also when rolling out the dough, do it between two sheets of baking paper, your dough wont dry out and it makes less mess. I haven't given you the decorating details, mainly because you can figure that out for yourself and also because I'm lazy :P. I made two small houses with the above dough that I had the kids decorate, which was awesome fun although more lollies got eaten than made it to the houses.. I also have it on very good authority that Charli's house may have been licked whilst my back was turned :). My theory with licking whilst cooking is if I don't see it (or no-one saw me), it didn't happen! Doesn't that just encourage you to eat my short bread?? :)