Sunday, 2 December 2012

Book 23 : Pasta Every Way for Every Day - Eric Treuille & Anna Del Conte

I have been extremely slack with my blogging of late, I could pretend that I've been flat out busy (kinda have) but really its just me being a slack arse!  I've written a couple of intros but got distracted by other things.  I'm like a small child when I start to lose interest in something, I start typing and notice crumbs on the floor (not something I'm normally concerned about!), better clean them up, oh look an Aldi catalogue, whats that smell, better check the veggie garden, do we have any chocolate? (stupid question we always have chocolate!).   So instead of sitting down and finishing a blog, I'm farting around with everything else.  Don't get me wrong I've still been cooking but just not frantic blog food, cinnamon buns and desserts have been getting a great work out.  I must apologise for my slackness and will try to be a bit more enthusiastic in future... If it helps I'm still buying recipe books, can't wait to actually make some recipes out of some of them...  But not Sweet Studio by Darren Purchase cos that book is terrifying!!! :)

Recipe - Red Pesto with Basil

60g sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 1/2 tbsp pine nuts, toasted
1/2 tsp chili flakes
5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/2 - 2 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 hand full fresh basil
black pepper
500g dried pasta

Place tomatoes, garlic, pine nuts, chili flakes, basil and oil in a food processor.  Pulse to a smooth paste.  Add the vinegar and pepper to taste.  Set aside or store.  Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling, salted water, until firm to the bite if serving hot or just firm to the bite if serving as a salad.  Drain, reserving 1/2 cup pasta water.  Return pasta with pesto to the warm pasta pot.   Toss well to coat, adding reserved water as needed.  Serve immediately or at room temp.

So Pasta Every Way for Every Day...... ho hum.  I don't like this book, I can't really tell you why I don't like it, it just rubs me the wrong way.  (yes, I know its a recipe book, not a person)  I think its the fact that every recipe has dried pasta, there is a section on fresh pasta, but its right at the back and seems like an afterthought.   I would have thought this book would have oodles on fresh pasta, how to make it, tips and tricks and trouble shooting, but no.  Instead it has a great selection of dried pastas and how to use them...  Me being a snob?  Possibly, but I've already explained that I'm fairly high maintenance when it comes to my recipe books, so really you shouldn't be surprised :)

The recipe, firstly let me say SALT!!!!  Put salt in the recipe, season it to taste (which I always think is a poncy thing to say) and then when you have finished salting, add some Parmesan and maybe some kalamata olives.  Seriously go nuts, because this was fairly bland.  I'm not sure if its my taste buds or the recipe, but add extra stuff and taste as you go.  It may also be that this is an awesome recipe and I just have a issue with a recipe book putting three recipes to a page..... (seriously a stupid, stupid thing for recipe books to do!!) 


I'm going to share a beautiful photo of my cheeky kids by the amazingly wonderful Bibo Photography (!/
I'm slightly chuffed about the amazing photos Rebecca took and have turned into one of those people who randomly shows everyone photos :)  But its my blog and I can do what I want :)